USB LDNIO WALL CHARGER Model – A3510Q with USB C cable

We have detected that USB LDNIO WALL CHARGER Model – A3510Q with USB C cable, which was on sale from 02/07/2021 to 25/11/2021, has a manufacturing defect.

The manufacturing defect consists in inadequate dimensions of the plug part and the use of unsuitable plastic, characterized by insufficient thermal resistance. There is a potential risk of the plug element being deformed as a result of the charger heating up and exposing electrically-live parts. The internal construction of the charger does not provide an appropriate electrical clearance between specific components or sufficient electrical insulation. Therefore it is possible that hazardous mains voltage would appear on parts accessible to the users and electrocute them if touched.

If you own the USB LDNIO wall charger Model – A3510Q with USB cable, product number EAN 6933138691052 pictured above, please stop using it. The charger may be dangerous. Please return it to the retailer you purchased it from in order to exchange it for another wall charger or to receive a full refund of the purchase price. In case you know anyone who owns the wall charger, please inform them about the potential danger and the need to return it.

We constantly strive to improve safety of our products, as it is our main goal to be sure, that products we provide make you feel safe. If you have any questions, please contact Partner at +48 12 399 99 00 (9:00 – 17:00) or by email at

We would like to kindly thank you for your help and apologize for the inconvenience.

Partner Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., ul. Soltysowska 22, 31-589 Krakow, Polska


USB LDNIO WALL CHARGER Model – A2316C with lightning cable

We have detected that USB LDNIO WALL CHARGER Model – A2316C with lightning cable, which was on sale from 02/07/2021 to 25/11/2021, has a manufacturing defect.

The manufacturing defect consists in inadequate dimensions of the plug part and the use of unsuitable plastic, characterized by insufficient thermal resistance. There is a potential risk of the plug element being deformed as a result of the charger heating up and exposing electrically-live parts. The internal construction of the charger does not provide an appropriate electrical clearance between specific components or sufficient electrical insulation. A manufacturing defect concerning the Y1 capacitor used in the charger is also possible. Therefore it is possible that hazardous mains voltage would appear on parts accessible to the users and electrocute them if touched.

If you own the USB LDNIO wall charger Model – A2316C with lightning cable, product number EAN 6933138690741 pictured above, please stop using it. The charger may be dangerous. Please return it to the retailer you purchased it from in order to exchange it for another wall charger or to receive a full refund of the purchase price. In case you know anyone who owns the wall charger, please inform them about the potential danger and the need to return it.

We constantly strive to improve safety of our products, as it is our main goal to be sure, that products we provide make you feel safe. If you have any questions, please contact Partner at +48 12 399 99 00 (9:00 – 17:00) or by email at

Partner Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., ul. Soltysowska 22, 31-589 Krakow, Polska

Important hazard warning


We have learned that the power adapter USB Model HR-SC003 has a manufacturing defect.

The manufacturing defect is concerned with the use of insufficient protection of the power adapter against uncontrolled flow of alternating current from the mains to USB port. The protection adopted in the USB power adapter does not satisfy safety requirements. In case of a failure of the protection, the entire mains voltage of the alternating current is transferred into the output power of the USB power adapter – the current of the power socket flows through the charger and its USB cable. This means that the product poses a deadly risk of electric shock or burning in case the user touches it, and may lead to damage to devices connected to it or cause fire.

If you own the power adapter USB HR-SC003 EAN product number 5901737246042 presented in the photographs above, please stop using it immediately. The power adapter may be very dangerous. Please return it to the retailer from whom you purchased it to receive other power adapter or full refund. If you know anyone else who owns this power adapter, please communicate the message about hazards and return request.

We wish to thank you for your help and apologize for inconveniences. We still aim to improve safety of products we offer as we wish to be sure our customers feel safe.

Should you have any questions, please contact Partner (9:00am – 05:00pm):

Partner Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., ul. Soltysowska 22, 31-589 Krakow, Polsko

Important hazard warning


We have learned that the power adapter USB Model A-1299 for sale since 18 January 2018 has a manufacturing defect.

The manufacturing defect is concerned with the use of insufficient protection of the power adapter against uncontrolled flow of alternating current from the mains to USB port. The protection adopted in the USB power adapter does not satisfy safety requirements. In case of a failure of the protection, the entire mains voltage of the alternating current is transferred into the output power of the USB power adapter – the current of the power socket flows through the charger and its USB cable. This means that the product poses a deadly risk of electric shock or burning in case the user touches it, and may lead to damage to devices connected to it or cause fire.

If you own the power adapter USB A-1299 EAN product number 5901737868633 presented in the photographs above, please stop using it immediately. The power adapter may be very dangerous. Please return it to the retailer from whom you purchased it to receive other power adapter or full refund. If you know anyone else who owns this power adapter, please communicate the message about hazards and return request.

We wish to thank you for your help and apologize for inconveniences. We still aim to improve safety of products we offer as we wish to be sure our customers feel safe.

Should you have any questions, please contact Partner (9:00am – 05:00pm):

Partner Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., ul. Soltysowska 22, 31-589 Krakow, Poland

Important hazard warning


We have learned that the power adapter USB 1A  has a manufacturing defect.

The manufacturing defect is concerned with the use of insufficient protection of the power adapter against uncontrolled flow of alternating current from the mains to USB port. The protection adopted in the USB power adapter does not satisfy safety requirements. In case of a failure of the protection, the entire mains voltage of the alternating current is transferred into the output power of the USB power adapter – the current of the power socket flows through the charger and its USB cable. This means that the product poses a deadly risk of electric shock or burning in case the user touches it, and may lead to damage to devices connected to it or cause fire.

If you own the power adapter USB 1A EAN product number 5901737937742 presented in the photographs above, please stop using it immediately. The power adapter may be very dangerous. Please return it to the retailer from whom you purchased it to receive other power adapter or full refund. If you know anyone else who owns this power adapter, please communicate the message about hazards and return request.

We wish to thank you for your help and apologize for inconveniences. We still aim to improve safety of products we offer as we wish to be sure our customers feel safe.

Should you have any questions, please contact Partner (9:00am – 05:00pm):

Partner Sp. z o.o. Sp.k., ul. Soltysowska 22, 31-589 Krakow, Poland